Our Environment


Our Life

Our Responsibility


Stewardship for Environmental & Economic Sustainability

Zimbabwe (Ward 15)
SEES is a Private Voluntary Organization started by concerned residents of Ward 15 with the intention of working together with residents, Churches, other Private Voluntary Organisations, City of Harare and the government in trying to mitigate the effects of global warming on communities.

Our Work

Programs & Initiatives

Environmental Management Projects


Reforestation, Conservation, Care & Plant Disease

This initiative includes tree nursery building and the establishments of tree plantations, protecting remaining forests and endangered species, environmental care services e.g. park maintenance.


Environmental Research & Empowerment

This initiative covers a lot in that it looks at some of the challenges threatening the community and the environment; This research feeds into what SEES focus on for implementation and advocacy.


Mitigation, Advocacy & Community Education

This initiative focuses on the application of research observations. Communities need to be constantly made aware of the value of taking care of the environment and the effects of Global warming to their present and future lives.


Monitoring & Evaluation

The SEES Board through the Director’s office play a critical role in monitoring the implementation of projects. This is the way of making sure that goals, objectives, and strategies of the organization are properly implemented.


Become A Member

SEES is a Private Voluntary Organization started by concerned residents of Ward 15 with the intention of working together with residents, Churches, other Private Voluntary Organisations, City of Harare and the government in trying to mitigate the effects of global warming on communities.

Our organizations depends on the support of our members from around the world to help with any resources they can provide. Whether this is financial support or any other resources they are able to provide.